Linear Elastic Axisymmetric Branched Shell with Pressure Loading

Test Description

An axisymmetric branched shell of thickness 0.01m is modeled with point A fully fixed. The shell model is subjected to uniform internal pressure loading over edge BCD. Linear elastic static analysis is performed on the model.

Figure 608: Problem sketch

Problem sketch

Geometric PropertiesMaterial PropertiesLoading

Thickness = 0.01m

Refer to Figure 608: Problem sketch

Boundary condition:

Ux, Uy, ROTz = 0 at A

E = 210E+03 Mpa

υ = 0.3

Internal pressure loading over edge BCD = 1 Mpa


Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

            |   Mechanical APDL    |   RATIO   |       INPUT        |

  SYY at C         -304.509           0.952         vmlsb2-le9-208


  SYY at C         -304.151           0.951         vmlsb2-le9-209


Element Mechanical APDL Ratio Test Input