
Response of an Eccentric Weight Exciter


Reference: W. T. Thomson, Vibration Theory and Applications, 2nd Printing, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1965, pg. 60, ex. 3.3-1.
Analysis Type(s): Harmonic Analysis (ANTYPE = 3)
Element Type(s): Combination Elements (COMBIN40)
Input Listing: vm88.dat

Test Case

A counter-rotating eccentric weight exciter of mass m having a mass unbalance mu on an eccentricity e is used to produce forced oscillation of a spring-supported mass. For a viscous damping factor c, determine the amplitude and phase angle Φ of the displacement response when the rotating frequency f is (1) the resonant frequency fn, and (2) f >> fn.

Figure 125: Eccentric Weight Exciter Problem Sketch

Eccentric Weight Exciter Problem Sketch

Material Properties
m = 0.02590673 lb-sec2/in
c = 0.11754533 lb-sec/in
mu = 0.08 x m
k = 30 lb/in

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The node locations are arbitrarily selected. When the rotating frequency f is equal to the resonant frequency fn, the force F1 = muω2 = 2.4 lb where ω = ωn = sqrt(k/m) = 34.0294 rad/sec is the resonant circular frequency. When f >> fn, it is assumed that f = 100 fn = 541.5947 Hz and the corresponding force F1 = 24000 lb.

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
f = fn Amp, in0.600000.600001.000
angle, deg-90.000-90.0001.000
f =100 fn Amp, in0.080000[1]0.0800081.000
angle, deg-180.00-179.921.000
  1. Based on f =