
Plastic Response to a Suddenly Applied Constant Force


Reference: J. M. Biggs, Introduction to Structural Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1964, pg. 69, article 2.7.
Analysis Type(s): Full Transient Dynamic, Plastic Analysis (ANTYPE = 4)
Element Type(s):
3D Spar (or Truss) Elements (LINK180)
Structural Mass Elements (MASS21)
Input Listing: vm80.dat

Test Case

A mass m supported on a thin rod of area A and length is subjected to the action of a suddenly applied constant force F1. The stress-strain curve for the rod material is shown below. Determine the maximum deflection ymax and minimum deflection ymin of the mass, neglecting the mass of the rod.

Figure 111: Plastic Response Problem Sketch

Plastic Response Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
m = 0.0259 kips-sec2/in
E = 30 x 103 ksi
σyp = 162.9 ksi
= 100 in
A = 0.278 in2
F1 = 30 kips
(see time history in Figure 111: Plastic Response Problem Sketch)

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The initial integration time step (0.004/10 = 0.0004 sec) is chosen small enough to allow the initial step change in acceleration to be followed reasonably well. The final integration time step ((0.14-.004)/68 = 0.002 sec) is based on 1/60 of the period to produce sufficient printout for the theoretical comparison. The final time of 0.14 sec allows slightly more than 1 cycle of vibration to be followed. POST26 is used to extract results from the solution phase.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDL [1]Ratio
ymax, in0.8060.8040.998
Time, sec0.06690.06801.016
ymin, in0.438 [2]0.4380.999
Time, sec0.122 [2]0.1221.000
  1. Mechanical APDL printout does not occur at theoretical time point given. Comparison (ratio) is therefore made with closest Mechanical APDL time and theoretical time point given.

  2. Based on graphical values.

Figure 112: Displacement vs. Time Display

Displacement vs. Time Display