
Hyperelastic Thick Cylinder Under Internal Pressure


Reference:J. T. Oden, Finite Elements of Nonlinear Continua, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1972, pp. 325-331.
Analysis Type(s):Static, Large Deflection Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D 8-Node Stuctural Solid Elements (PLANE183)
3D 8-Node Structural Solid Elements (SOLID185)
3D 10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid Elements (SOLID186)
Input Listing:vm56.dat

Test Case

An infinitely long cylinder is made of Mooney-Rivlin type material. An internal pressure of Pi is applied. Find the radial displacement at the inner radius and the radial stress at radius R = 8.16 in (center of 1st element).

Figure 79: Hyperelastic Thick Cylinder Problem Sketch

Hyperelastic Thick Cylinder Problem Sketch

Figure 80: Hyperelastic Thick Cylinder Models

Hyperelastic Thick Cylinder Models
Hyperelastic Thick Cylinder Models

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
Mooney-Rivlin material coefficients
A = 80 psi
B = 20 psi
ri = 7.0 in
ro = 18.625 in
Pi = 150 psi

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved first using PLANE183 and then using SOLID185 / SOLID186. Due to circumferential symmetry, only a small sector need be modeled. The height (and width for SOLID185) of the elements in the finite element model is chosen such that the elements have a reasonable aspect ratio. Only radial degrees of freedom are active. The total pressure is applied in two load increments. To approximate incompressible behavior, Poisson's ratio is set close to 1/2 (0.49) and reduced integration is requested. Temperature-dependent properties are used in the PLANE183 portion solely for verification purposes.

Results Comparison

 Target[1]Mechanical APDLRatio
PLANE183ur (inner radius), in7.1807.4911.043
Stressr (element 1), psi-122.0-122.7721.006
SOLID185ur (inner radius), in7.1807.4911.043
Stressr (element 1), psi-122.0-126.4711.037
SOLID186ur (inner radius), in7.1807.4331.035
  1. Based on fully incompressible assumption, ν = 1/2