
Mullins Effect on a Rubber Tube Model Subjected to Tension Loading


Reference:R.W.Ogden, et al., "A Pseudo-elastic Model for the Mullins Effect in Filled Rubber", Royal Society of London Proceedings Series A., (1989), pg: 2861-2877.
Analysis Type(s):Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D 4 node structural solid (PLANE182)
Input Listing:vm268.dat

Test Case

An axisymmetric rubber plate made of Neo-Hookean material is modeled with radius R and height H. The model is subjected to cyclic displacement loading on the top surface. The axial stress obtained at different load steps is compared against reference solution.

Figure 466: Problem sketch

Problem sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesDisplacement Loading

Neo-Hookean Constants:

µ = 8 MPa

Ogden-Roxburgh Mullins Constants:






One cycle of loading

Step 1: λ=1.5

Step 2: λ=2.0

Step 3: λ=3.0

Step 4: λ=2.0

Step 5: λ=1.5

Step 6: λ=1.0

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The rubber tube is modeled using axisymmetric PLANE182 elements. Modified Ogden-Roxburgh Mullins effect was applied to model stress softening of hyper elastic material during unloading stage. Symmetric boundary conditions are applied to the model and the axial stress for element 1 obtained at different stretch is compared with reference solution.

Figure 467: Variation of axial stresses with stretch λ in one loading cycle

Variation of axial stresses with stretch λ in one loading cycle

Results Comparison

Stretch λAxial stress (Pa)
Target Mechanical APDLRatio
1.512.666 12.666 1.000
2.028.000 28.000 1.000
3.069.333 69.333 1.000
2.020.81920.822 1.000
1.5 8.660 8.670 1.001
1.0 0.000 0.000 1.000