
Squeeze Film Damping: Rectangular Plate


Reference: J. J. Blech, On Isothermal Squeeze Films, Journal of Lubrication Technology, Vol. 105, pp. 615-620, 1983.
Analysis Type(s): Harmonic analysis (ANTYPE=3)
Element Type(s): 3D squeeze film fluid element (FLUID136)
Input Listing: vm245.dat

Test Case

A rectangular plate is modeled with length (b) and width (a). Pressure is made zero on all exterior nodes. Velocity loading is applied on the plate and harmonic analysis is performed at an excitation frequency of 100000 Hz.

Figure 416: Problem sketch of rectangular plate

Problem sketch of rectangular plate

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
Fluid Viscosity = 1.83e - 12Ns/( μm)2
a = 2000μm
b = 1000 μm
d = 5 μm
Operating frequency, Ω = 100000 Hz
Velocity, v = 2000(μm)/s
Pressure at edges = 1e5 Pa

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is modeling the fluid gap region between two rigid, non-deforming surfaces. The pressure of the fluid entering and exiting the gap creates a damped elastic response which can be modeled by a spring-damper system. The calculations of the stiffness and damping constants are done by summing the pressure distribution over the area, then taking these force calculations and feeding them into the equations

where F(im) and F(re) are the "imaginary" and "real" parts of the force calculated from the harmonic analysis.

According to Blech an analytical solution for the damping and squeeze coefficient for a rigid plate moving with a transverse motion is given by:


C(Ω) = frequency-dependent damping coefficient
KS(Ω) = squeeze stiffness coefficient,
po = ambient pressure
A = surface area
c = ratio of plate length a divided by plate width b
d = film thickness
Ω = response frequency
σ = squeeze number of the system

The squeeze number is given by:

for rectangular plates where ηeff is the effective viscosity.

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Stiffness, K (N/m)28650.0028551.380.997
Damping constant, C (Ns/m)0.01530.01510.989