
Cantilever Beam with Triangular Loading Defined by Function


Reference: F. P. Beer and E. J. Johnston, Jr., Mechanics of Materials, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1981, pp. 356, 366, 397, 613
Analysis Type(s): Static
Element Type(s): PLANE183
Input Listing: vm243.dat

Test Case

Figure 414: Cantilever Beam with Triangular Loading

Cantilever Beam with Triangular Loading
Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 30E6
Cantilever Beam with Triangular Loading
s = 1
L = 10
w(x = 0) = 1
w(x = L) = 0
linear variation between them

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Two models are used to test the method of creating a functional load. In the first case, the loading function P(x) is applied using the functional loading to create a load corresponding to P(x) = (x/L) In the second case, the loading is applied using the established two value linear loading. According to beam theory, the equation for maximum displacement of this loading is:

This result is then compared against the results

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Displacement (max), tabular loading0.367E-30.370E-31.01
Displacement (max), two value linear loading0.367E-30.370E-31.01