
Counter-Balanced Loads on a Block


Reference: Any basic mechanics text
Analysis Type(s):
Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0), Inertia Relief
Substructure Analysis (ANTYPE = 7)
Element Type(s):
3D Structural Solid Elements (SOLID45)
3D Structural Solid Elements (SOLID185)
Superelement (or Substructure) (MATRIX50)
Input Listing: vm196.dat

Test Case

Determine the free-body moments (MX, MY, MZ) about the origin and the rotational accelerations (ωx, ωy, ωz) at the center of mass of an aluminum block due to the forces FX and FY shown.

Figure 300: Counter-Balanced Loads on a Block Problem Sketch

Counter-Balanced Loads on a Block Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 70 x 109 N/m2
ρ = 2712 kg/m3
h = 3 m
= 2 m
d = 300 m
FX = -2000 N
FY = 3000 N

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved in three different ways:

  • using 3D solid elements (SOLID45)

  • using 3D solid elements (SOLID185)

  • using 3D solid element (SOLID185) with substructure modeling

The block must be constrained such that no rigid body motions occur. In a 3D structure, six DOF must be constrained to prevent free-body motion by translation or rotation. The inertia relief algorithm is used to calculate accelerations to counterbalance the applied loads resulting in net zero values for the sum of the reaction forces. The substructure analysis is performed using the component mode synthesis method (CMSOPT) and the inertia relief results are retrieved after the use pass analysis.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
MX (N-m)-909000-9090001.000
MY (N-m)-606000-6060001.000
MZ (N-m)-5000-50001.000
Rotational accelerationsx (rad/sec2)-0.12764-0.127641.000
Rotational accelerationsy (rad/sec2)-0.085092-0.0850921.000
Rotational accelerationsz (rad/sec2)-0.23046-0.230461.000
MX (N-m)-909000-9090001.000
MY (N-m)-606000-6060001.000
MZ (N-m)-5000-50001.000
Rotational accelerationsx (rad/sec2)-0.12764-0.127641.000
Rotational accelerationsy (rad/sec2)-0.085092-0.0850921.000
Rotational accelerationsz (rad/sec2)-0.23046-0.230461.000
SOLID185 using Substructure Modeling
MX (N-m)-909000-9090001.000
MY (N-m)-606000-6060001.000
MZ (N-m)-5000-50001.000
Rotational accelerationsx (rad/sec2)-0.12764-0.127641.000
Rotational accelerationsy (rad/sec2)-0.085092-0.0850921.000
Rotational accelerationsz (rad/sec2)-0.23046-0.230461.000