
Straight Cantilever Beam


Reference: Any Basic Mechanics of Materials Text
Analysis Type(s): Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
3D Coupled-Field Solid Elements (SOLID5)
3D 10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid Elements (SOLID92)
Tetrahedral Coupled-Field Solid Elements (SOLID98)
3D 10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid Elements (SOLID187)
Input Listing: vm184.dat

Test Case

A beam of length , height h, and thickness t is built-in at one end and loaded at the free end with an axial force, an in-plane shear force and an out-of-plane shear force, all of magnitude F. Determine the deflections δx, δy, and δz at the free end due to these loads.

Figure 277: Straight Cantilever Beam Problem Sketch

Straight Cantilever Beam Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 10 x 106 psi
υ = 0.3
= 6 in
h = 0.2 in
t = 0.1 in
F = 1 lb

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved in four different ways:

  • using Coupled-Field Solid Elements (SOLID5)

  • using Tetrahedral Solid Elements (SOLID92)

  • using Tetrahedral coupled-Field Solid Elements (SOLID98)

  • using Tetrahedral Solid Elements (SOLID187)

POST1 is used to directly obtain the difference between the theoretical solution and the Ansys results in the form of a ratio, using the maximum displacement value on the free face.

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
SOLID5 Deflectionx , in3.000 x 10-5 3.000 x 10-5 0.993
Deflectiony , in0.108000.1068300.989
Deflectionz , in0.432000.4255360.985
SOLID92 Deflectionx , in3.000 x 10-5 3.000 x 10-5 0.995
Deflectiony , in0.1080000.1067570.988
Deflectionz , in0.4320000.4257080.985
SOLID98 Deflectionx , in3.000 x 10-5 3.000 x 10-5 0.995
Deflectiony , in0.1080000.1067570.988
Deflectionz , in0.4320000.4257080.985
SOLID187 Deflectionx , in3.000 x 10-5 3.000 x 10-5 0.995
Deflectiony , in0.108000.1067570.988
Deflectionz , in0.432000.4257080.985

Figure 278: Element Display

Element Display

Figure 279: Clipped and Capped Display of Stress Contours

Clipped and Capped Display of Stress Contours