
Dynamic Double Rotation of a Jointed Beam


Reference: Any basic mechanics text
Analysis Type(s): Full Transient Dynamic Analysis (ANTYPE = 4 w/HHT)
Element Type(s):
Multipoint Constraint Revolute Joint Elements (MPC184)
Structural Mass Elements (MASS21)
3D 2 Node Beam (BEAM188)
Input Listing: vm179.dat

Test Case

A torque M1 is applied at the pinned end of an aluminum beam to cause a 90° rotation. A second torque M2 is then applied at a revolute joint in the beam to create an out-of-plane rotation. The joint has a rotational stiffness k, inertial mass J, frictional torque Tf, and locks when a 5° rotation occurs. Structural mass elements with rotational mass are added at the joint notes. Determine the position of the beam at the end of each rotation.

Figure 270: Jointed Beam Problem Sketch

Jointed Beam Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 70 x 109 N-m
ρ = 1 x 10-6 kg/m3
υ = 0.35
Lock at = 5° = 0.08727 rad
= 1 m
M1 = 0.7854 N-m
M2 = 0.5 N-m

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Since step changes in acceleration occur due to the applied step loads, load steps with small time periods are used to "ramp" the accelerations to peak values while maintaining essentially no movement in the beams. The applied moments allow the beam to come to rest in the vertical position. A restart is included to demonstrate and test this program feature.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Deflectionx , in (t = 1.0)-0.5858-0.587071.002
Deflectiony , in (t = 1.0)1.41421.415501.001
Anglez , rad (t = 1.0)0.78540.786311.001
Deflectionx , in (t = 2.0)-2.000-2.017011.008
Deflectiony , in (t = 2.0)2.0001.999931.000
Anglez , rad (t = 2.0)1.57081.579301.005
Deflectionx , in (t = 3.0)-2.000-2.035341.018
Deflectiony , in (t = 3.0)1.99621.995881.000
Deflectionz , in (t = 3.0)0.087160.087161.000
Anglex , rad (t = 3.0)0.087270.087271.000
Anglez , rad (t = 3.0)1.57081.588501.011