
Temperature-controlled Heater


Reference:Self-checking (Response Follows Input Request)
Analysis Type(s):Transient Thermal Analysis (ANTYPE = 4)
Element Type(s):
Control Elements (COMBIN37)
Convection Link Elements (LINK34)
Thermal Mass Elements (MASS71)
Input Listing:vm159.dat

Test Case

An assembly consisting of a heater with capacitance C1 and surface area A1 is surrounded by a box having capacitance C2 and surface area A2. The box is initially at a uniform temperature To. The heater, which supplies heat at a rate q, is turned on and remains on until the surrounding box temperature reaches a value Toff. The heater then switches off until the box temperature lowers to Ton and then switches on again. Determine the temperature response of the box and the heater status vs. time.

Figure 222: Temperature-controlled Heater Problem Sketch

Temperature-controlled Heater Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
C1 = 2.7046 x 10-4 Btu/°F
C2 = 2.7046 x 10-3 Btu/°F
h = 4 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
A1 = 8.1812 x 10-3 ft
A2 = 4.1666 x 10-2 ft
q = 10 Btu/hr
Ton = 100°F
Toff = 125°F
To = 70°F

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The conductivity resistance is assumed to be small compared with the thermal capacitance for both the heater and the box. A time of 12 min (0.2 hr) is arbitrarily selected to allow several cycles of response. The integration time step is chosen to be 0.001 and automatic time stepping is used to reduce the number of substeps. The nodes are arbitrarily located at the origin.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
First "off" temp,°F125


124.873 - 125.032

First "on" temp,°F100


101.214 - 99.2459


Figure 223: Box Temperature vs. Time

Box Temperature vs. Time

Figure 224: Control Status vs. Time

Control Status vs. Time