
Chaboche Rate-Dependent Plastic Material under Cyclic Loading


Reference:R.C. Lin, J. Betten, W. Brocks, "Modeling of finite strain viscoplasticity based on the logarithmic corotational description.” Archive of Applied Mechanics. Vol. 75, pp. 693-708, 2006
Analysis Type(s):
Static Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):2D Structural Solid Elements (PLANE182)
Input Listing:vm155.dat

Test Case

A thin plate is modeled with chaboche rate-dependent plastic material model. Uniaxial cyclic displacement loading is applied in vertical direction (Figure 217: Uniaxial Loading Problem Sketch). The loading history is composed of 23 cycles (Figure 218: Loading history), in which the first 22 cycles have an identical displacement path. In the last load cycle the displacement is made constant at time gaps 910 to 940 seconds and at time gaps 960 to 990 seconds. The stress history is computed and compared against the reference solution.

Figure 217: Uniaxial Loading Problem Sketch

Uniaxial Loading Problem Sketch

Figure 218: Loading history

Loading history

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading

E = 149,650 MPa

µ = 0.33

Chaboche model:

Yield stress k = 153MPa
C1 = 62511MPa
y1 = 221.1

Rate dependent model:

k0 = 153MPa
r0 = 0
r = -153MPa
b = 317
m = 1/7.7
K = 1150MPa s1/m
H=1mCyclic uniaxial displacement load

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved using 2D PLANE182 elements with plain stress element behavior. The chaboche rate-dependent plasticity is defined by TB, CHAB and TB, RATE, respectively. A static analysis is performed with uniaxial displacement loading. The element stresses along the X direction are computed in POST1.

Results Comparison

Time Target Mechanical APDL Ratio