
Numerical Differentiation and Integration


Reference: Any Basic Calculus Book
Analysis Type(s): First and Second Derivatives and Integrals Using APDL
Element Type(s): None
Input Listing: vm129.dat

Test Case

Given a sine wave f(t) = A sin ωt, find the maximum value of the first and second derivatives. For the same sine wave, find the values of the two integrals:

Figure 181: Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Numerical Differentiation and Integration


A = 1.2732
ω = frequency =  π/72 rad/sec

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Arrays for one cycle of 145 data points (one data point per second) are generated, starting from a value of 0 up to 144 (representing time, t, in sec). The *VOPER command is used to obtain the first and second derivatives, and the single and double integrals.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
df/dt (Max)5.555 x 10-2 5.554 x 10-2 1.000
d2f/dt2 (Max)2.424 x 10-3 2.422 x 10-3 0.999
l1 29.1829.171.000
l2 381.7381.65621.000
max df/dt is obtained as DERIV1 array parameter E.
max d2f/dt2 is obtained as DERIV2 array parameter G

l1 and l2 are obtained from array parameters F and H (at row 37 corresponding to t = 36 sec)