
Heat Transferred to a Flowing Fluid


Reference: W. M. Rohsenow, H. Y. Choi, Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, 2nd Printing, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1963, pg. 168, ex. 7.5
Analysis Type(s): Thermal (fluid flow) Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s): Coupled Thermal-Fluid Pipe Elements (FLUID116)
Input Listing: vm126.dat

Test Case

Heat is transferred to air at 14.7 psi, and temperature Ti, flowing at a rate w inside a round tube of length and diameter d having a uniform tube wall temperature Tw. Determine the heat flow in terms of the inlet (qin) and outlet (qout) heat transport rates. Also determine the air outlet temperature To. The convection coefficient is given by the expression Nu = 0.08 Re0.7 Pr0.35 + 1.63. The tube is nearly frictionless.

Figure 178: Flowing Fluid Problem Sketch

Flowing Fluid Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
k = 0.017 BTU/hr-ft-°F
c = 1.002 x 188 BTU -ft/lbf-hr2-°F
μ = 1.17418 x 10-10 lbfhr/ft2
ρ = 1.4377 x 10-10 lbf-hr2/ft4
f = 0.001 for 0 < Re < 5 x 104
d = 1 in = (1/12) ft
= 5 in = (5/12) ft
Ti = 100°F
Tw = 200°F
w = 1.131 x 10-8 lb f hr/ft

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The convection node locations are arbitrarily selected as coincident. The flow rate (w) is input as a real constant, so MU is not required to be input. The nonlinear material property table is used to input the friction factor table and the flow-dependent film coefficient. Since the heat transport rate is calculated at the element inlet, an extra element is extended beyond the tube exit to obtain qout. POST1 is used to report the required quantities.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
To , °F123.0122.55[1]0.996
qin , Btu/hr113.28113.44[2]1.001
qout , Btu/hr139.33139.02[2]0.998
  1. Temperature at Node 17.

  2. qin and qout are obtained from the heat transport rates of elements 1 and 9, respectively.