1.8. Zooming and Panning

Zooming enables you to increase or decrease the magnification of a view, while panning shifts the view within the view window.

Zoom In and Out

To zoom in and out, use one of the following:

  • Mouse scroll wheel (or middle mouse button if you have an older mouse)

  • Ctrl + left mouse button

Note:  To change the mouse buttons used for zooming and panning, see Editing Mouse Button Assignments.

Zoom to Fit

To zoom the view so that the entire image is visible and centered in the view window, click   on the viewer toolbar.

Zoom Box

When your Left mouse button is set to ZoomBox in your Options, you can zoom in on a specific part or area of your model by simply clicking and dragging a box around it.

Note:  By default, the Left mouse button is set to RotateXY. To set a mouse button to ZoomBox, see Editing Mouse Button Assignments.


To pan the view, use one of the following:

  • Right mouse button

  • Shift + left mouse button