13.264. REINF264 - 3D Discrete Reinforcing


13.264.1. Structural

Matrix or VectorBase Element Shape Functions (for each layer)Integration Points
Stiffness and Stress Stiffness Matrices and Thermal Load VectorLinear 3D spar, beam, solid, or shellEquation 11–6, Equation 11–7, and Equation 11–8

Across the length: 1
Across the section: 1

Quadratic 3D beam, solid, or shellEquation 11–19, Equation 11–20, and Equation 11–21

Across the length: 2
Across the section: 1

Mass MatrixSame as stiffness matrix
Pressure Load VectorN/AN/A
Load TypeDistribution
Element TemperatureLinear along the length, constant across the section.
Nodal TemperatureN/A

13.264.2. Thermal

Matrix or VectorBase Element Shape Functions (for each layer)Integration Points
Conductivity Matrix and Heat Generation Load VectorLinear 3D sparEquation 11–13Across the length: 2
Quadratic 3DEquation 11–25Across the length: 3
Specific Heat MatrixSame as conduction matrix
Load TypeDistribution
Element HGENLinear along the length, constant across the section.

13.264.3. Other Applicable Sections

Structures describes the derivation of structural element matrices and load vectors as well as stress evaluations. General Element Formulations gives the general structural element formulations used by this element. See Stiffness and Mass Matrices of a Reinforcing Layer for the general structural formulation of the reinforcing stiffness and mass matrices. Similar formulations can be derived for thermal analysis.