13.159. SURF159 - General Axisymmetric Surface with 2 or 3 Nodes

Matrix or VectorMidside Nodes [1]Shape FunctionsIntegration Points[2]
Mass MatrixWith midside nodesEquation 11–47 through Equation 11–493 x Nc
Without midside nodesEquation 11–44 through Equation 11–462 x Nc
Stress Stiffness MatrixWith midside nodesSame as mass matrix.2 x Nc
Without midside nodes
Pressure Load VectorWith midside nodesSame as mass matrix.2 x Nc
 Without midside nodes
  1. Midside node setting is controlled by KEYOPT(4).

  2. Nc = the number of node planes in the circumferential direction. The Nc integration points are circumferentially located at:

    • the nodal planes, and

    • midway between the nodal planes (that is, at the integration planes)

    so that Nc = (2 * Nnp), where Nnp = number of nodal planes (KEYOPT(2)).

    Exception: If KEYOPT(2) = 1, then Nc = 1.

Load TypeDistribution
PressureLinear along each face in both directions.

13.159.1. Other Applicable Sections

General Element Formulations gives the general element formulations used by this element.

13.159.2. Assumptions and Restrictions

Although the elements are initially axisymmetric, the loads and deformation can be general in nonaxisymmetric 3D. The displacements are interpolated in elemental coordinate system by interpolation functions, but the user can define the nodal displacements in any direction.