13.154. SURF154 - 3D Structural Surface Effect

Matrix or Vector Geometry / Midside Nodes [1] Shape Functions Integration Points
Stiffness and Damping Matrices, and Pressure Load VectorQuad with midside nodes Equation 11–84 3 x 3
Quad without midside nodes Equation 11–72 2 x 2
Triangle with midside nodes Equation 11–116 6
Triangle without midside nodes Equation 11–66 3
Mass and Stress Stiffness MatricesQuad with midside nodes Equation 11–82, Equation 11–83 and Equation 11–84 3 x 3
Quad without midside nodes Equation 11–70, Equation 11–71 and Equation 11–72 2 x 2
Triangle with midside nodes Equation 11–116 6
Triangle without midside nodes Equation 11–64, Equation 11–65 and Equation 11–66 3
Surface Tension Load Vector Quad with midside nodes Equation 11–82 and Equation 11–83 3 x 3
Quad without midside nodes Equation 11–70 and Equation 11–71 2 x 2
Triangle with midside nodes Equation 11–114 and Equation 11–115 6
Triangle without midside nodes Equation 11–64 and Equation 11–65 3
  1. Midside node setting is controlled by KEYOPT(4).

Load Type Distribution
All LoadsSame as shape functions

The stiffness matrix is:



kf = foundation stiffness (input as EFS on R command)
A = area of element
{Nz} = vector of shape functions representing motions normal to the surface

The mass matrix is:



th = thickness (input as TKI, TKJ, TKK, TKL on RMORE command)
ρ = density (input as DENS on MP command)
{N} = vector of shape functions
Ad = added mass per unit area (input as ADMSUA on R command)

If the command LUMPM,ON is used, [Me] is diagonalized as described in Lumped Matrices.

The element damping matrix is:



μ = dissipation (input as VISC on MP command)

The element stress stiffness matrix is:



[Sg] = derivatives of shape functions of normal motions
s = in-plane force per unit length (input as SURT on R command)

If pressure is applied to face 1, the pressure load stiffness matrix is computed as described in Pressure Load Stiffness.

The element load vector is:



{Np} = vector of shape functions representing in-plane motions normal to the edge
E = edge of element
{Nx} = vector of shape functions representing motion in element x direction
{Ny} = vector of shape functions representing motion in element y direction
Pv = uniform pressure magnitude
P1 = input (VAL1 with LKEY = 5 on SFE command)
θ = angle between element normal and applied load direction
Dx, Dy, Dz = vector directions (input as VAL2 thru VAL4 with LKEY = 5 on SFE command)
{NX}, {NY}, {NZ} = vectors of shape functions in global Cartesian coordinates

The integration used to arrive at is the usual numerical integration, even if KEYOPT(6) ≠ 0. The output quantities "average face pressures" are the average of the pressure values at the integration points.