13.136. FLUID136 - 3D Squeeze Film Fluid Element

Matrix or VectorGeometryShape FunctionsIntegration Points
Conductivity Matrix and Velocity Load VectorQuad, if KEYOPT(2) = 0Equation 11–762 x 2 (4-node)
Quad, if KEYOPT(2) = 1Equation 11–1083 x 3 (8-node)
Damping MatrixSame as conductivity matrix. If KEYOPT(1) = 1, matrix is diagonalized as described in Lumped MatricesSame as conductivity matrix

13.136.1. Other Applicable Sections

Squeeze Film describes the governing squeeze film equations used as a basis for forming the element matrices.

13.136.2. Assumptions and Restrictions

A dropped midside node implies that the edge is straight and that the pressure varies linearly along that edge.