60.4. Boundary Conditions and Loading

Cyclic thermal loading is applied to the TBC. At the beginning, the TBC is stress free at temperature 1000˚C.

Each thermal cycle consists of three stages:

  1. Cooling to 0˚C

  2. Reheating to 1000˚C

  3. Maintaining 1000˚C

Figure 60.3: One Cycle of Thermal Loading

One Cycle of Thermal Loading

The TGO grows in the dwelling stage of the TBCs. The TGO growth is simulated using the swelling model defined via the userswstrain subroutine. Following is the swelling-evolution code used in the subroutine:

     cyc = int(time/3.d0) * 1.d0    ! # of cycle
     tmod = mod(time,3.d0)          ! Last cycle
     if(tmod.gt.2.d0) then
        sweqt = c1 * cyc + c1 * (tmod - 2.d0)
        sweqt = c1 * cyc