46.7. Results and Discussion

To understand the dependence of maximum surface subsidence on reservoir size and depth, the following simulation cases are examined:

Case η(=D/R) H (in ft)

As shown in the following two figures, the normal surface displacement for various values of η(=D/R) and H are plotted as a function of radial distance normalized with the radius of the reservoir:

Figure 46.3: Surface Subsidence for Values of η(=D/R)

Surface Subsidence for Values of η(=D/R)

Figure 46.4: Surface Subsidence for Values of Reservoir Height (H)

Surface Subsidence for Values of Reservoir Height (H)

The maximum subsidence occurs at origin and decays rapidly to zero at a distance of about four times the radius of the reservoir.

Geertsma[1] (Eq. 6) shows analytically that the maximum subsidence is a quadratic function of η(=D/R) and a linear function of reservoir height (H):

As shown in the following figure, the numerical results of this example problem match the analytical trends very well:

Figure 46.5: Maximum Subsidence as a Quadratic Function of η(=D/R) and a Linear Function of Reservoir Height (H)

Maximum Subsidence as a Quadratic Function of η(=D/R) and a Linear Function of Reservoir Height (H)

The results indicate that subsidence increases rapidly with a decrease in reservoir depth as compared to an increase in reservoir height.

The following two figures show typical contour plots for surface subsidence and reservoir compaction, respectively:

Figure 46.6: Surface Subsidence

Surface Subsidence

Figure 46.7: Reservoir Compaction

Reservoir Compaction