17.2. Problem Description

A copper bar with a circular cross section having an initial length of 32.4 mm and a radius of 3.2 mm impacts a rigid, frictionless wall. The bar has an initial velocity of 227 m/s along its longitudinal axis and has one end located at a distance of 1 mm from the rigid wall at the start of the analysis, as shown in this figure:

Figure 17.1: Geometry and FE Model of a Metal Bar Impacting a Rigid Wall

Geometry and FE Model of a Metal Bar Impacting a Rigid Wall

Several transient analyses are performed, taking into account the following criteria:

For rigid and elastic material behavior, the results of displacements, velocities, strain energies (SE), and kinetic energies (KE) are compared to the analytical solution For the elastoplastic material behavior, the results of mushroom radius, final length, equivalent plastic strain, and von Mises stress are compared to a reference solution.