4.1. Applying Quasi-Static Loads

In a static analysis, the gyroscopic forces are calculated from the gyroscopic matrix and instantaneous nodal velocities. Just like in a dynamics analysis, the gyroscopic matrix is generated from the rotational velocity input (OMEGA or CMOMEGA) and the activation of the CORIOLIS command. For more information, see Specifying Rotational Velocity and Accounting for the Gyroscopic Effect.

The nodal velocities are specified using IC and ICROTATE. Depending on the finite elements used in your model, you may need one or both commands. For example, if your model is a line element model (6 degrees of freedom per node), because all nodes lie on the rotational velocity axis, use IC input to directly enforce the nodal rotational velocities (OMGX, OMGY, or OMGZ). If your model is a solid element model (3 degrees of freedom per node), use ICROTATE input to specify the rotational velocity and rotational velocity axis so as to generate equivalent nodal translational velocities. If your model is a shell element model (6 degrees of freedom per node), use ICROTATE and IC commands to specify both translational and rotational nodal velocities.

The centrifugal force due to ICROTATE definition is also included in the analysis.