1.10. Description of the Substructure Displacement File

This section explains the contents of the substructure displacement file (jobname.dsub).

1.10.1. Standard Mechanical APDL File Header

See The Standard Header for Mechanical APDL Binary Files for a description of this set. File number (Item 1) is 13.

1.10.2. DSUB File Format


c *** Copyright ANSYS.  All Rights Reserved.
c *** ansys, inc.

c     **********  description of substructure displacement file  ****

      character*8  DSUBNM
      parameter   (DSUBNM='dsub    ')

      LONGINT         dsubfpL, dsubfp
      integer         dsubbk, dsubut
      common /fddsub/ dsubfpL, dsubbk, dsubut
      equivalence  (dsubfp,dsubfpL)

c     ***********************************************************
c     *                        CAUTION                          *
c     *   Please update  proc getDSUBInfo in SEManagement.eui   *
c     *   if the file format changes or GUI read of the DSUB    *
c     *   file will fail.                                       *
c     ***********************************************************

c   ********** common variable descriptions ***********
co  dsubfpL      file position on file dsub
co  dsubbk       block number for file dsub
co  dsubut       file unit for file dsub

c  open:   slvstr
c  write:  setdis,eostrt,eofini,ranbasPCG,ranbwvPCG,slvstr,slvend,supsr1,supidx,supscl
c  close:  slvend
c  read:   matstr as .usub

c   See fddesc for documentation of how binary files are stored.
c     **********  file format  **********

c        recid tells the identifier for this record.  Not all records will have
c             identifiers -- they are only indicated for those records whose
c             record pointers are stored in the second file header.

c        type tells what kind of information is stored in this record:
c             i - integer
c             dp - double precision
c             cmp - complex

c        nrec tells how many records of this description are found here

c        lrec tells how long the records are (how many items are stored)

c recid    type    nrec    lrec     contents

c  ---      i       1      100      standard ANSYS file header (see binhed8 for
c                                   details of header contents)

c   1       i       1       20      .DSUB FILE HEADER

c                                  fun13, fpeofS, fpeofL,    kcxp,  nmode,
c                                   knum,  kCXFM, senres,  cpxeng,      0,
c                                      0,      0,      0,       0,      0,
c                                      0,      0,      0,       0,      0,
c                            fun13   - file unit number
c                    fpeofS, fpeofL  - pointer to the eof
c                            kcxp    - = 1 if complex results 
c                            nmode   - number of extracted modes if use pass modal
c                            knum    - number of expanded modes if use pass modal
c                            senres  - = 1: expand only displacements
c 			                    (all type of analysis)
c                                      = 2: expand real and then imaginary part
c                                           of displacements (harmonic analysis)
c                                      = 3: expand displacements, velocities,
c                                           accelerations (transient analysis)
c                            cpxeng  - = 1: after use pass = harmonic or modal damp
c                                           compute average, amplitude, peak energies

c      *** these records are repeated each iteration ***
c   2       i       1       50     fun13,    kan, lenbac,  numdof,   kcmplx,
c                                  itime,  itter, ncumit,  nitter,curdof(i),  (10)
c                                 (curdof(i),i=1,numdof)
c                                 (curdof(i),i=1,numdof)                      (20)
c                                 (curdof(i),i=1,numdof)
c                                 (curdof(i),i=1,numdof)                      (30)
c                                 (curdof(i),i=1,numdof)
c                                 (curdof(i),i=1,numdof)                      (40)
c                              curdof(i),      0,      0,       0,        0,
c                                      0, extopt,qrDmpKy,Glblenbac,  timint,  (50)
c                            extopt  - mode extraction option
c                            qrDmpKy - QR damped calculations key

c   3      dp       1       20    time/freq,acel(1),acel(2),acel(3), frqenr,
c                                     frqud,      0,      0,      0,      0,
c                                         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,
c                                         0,      0,      0,      0,      0,

c      *** the following records are repeated for each superelement ***
c   4       i       1       20    iel,    nrow,   nvect,  ntrans, name1,
c                                 name2,  trok,   lrok,   name3,  name4,
c                                 name5,  name6,  name7,  name8,  kCXFM,
c                                 kdamp,      0,      0,      0,      0,
c                            iel    -   (iel=0 signals end of superelements
c                                     for this iteration)
c                            nrow   - number of dofs
c                            nvect  - number of load vectors
c                            ntrans - number of transformations 
c                            name*  - name1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 are the 
c                                     inexc4 representation of the
c                                     32 character filename. 
c                                     name3/4/5/6/7/8 will be "0" 
c                                     for pre rev 5.2 files - cwa
c                            trok   - flag if transformations can be applied
c                            lrok   - flag if large deformation transformation
c                                     can be applied 
c                            kCXFM  - key if CXFM transformations are present on file
c                            kdamp  - key if ratios: 
c                                     rdamp(1),rdamp(2),dmprat,dmpst,spin,mscalm
c                                     are present on file
c   5      dp       1       125   ntrans sets of transformations 15x5
c   6      dp       1       250   ntrans sets of transformations (CS) 50x5 - present if kCXFM = 1 
c   7     LONG      1      nrow   (lL(i),i=1,nrow) - global dofs
c                                  (made LONGINT in version 14.0)
c   8      dp       1     nvect   (scalf(i),i=1,nvect)
c   9      dp       1        10    rdamp(1),rdamp(2),dmprat,dmpstr,spin,   - present if kdamp = 1
c                                  mscalm  ,       0,     0,     0,   0,
c  10      dp       1      nrow   (disp(i),i=1,nrow)
c  11      dp       1      nrow   (vel(i),i=1,nrow)                        - present if senres >= 2
c  12      dp       1      nrow   (acel(i),i=1,nrow)                       - present if senres = 3