4.5. Generating the New Mesh

Only general remeshing is used to generate the new mesh for NLAD-ETCHG. The remeshing of a hex-dom component occurs in two steps:

  1. Generating a new SOLID187 mesh in a hex-dom component:

    This step is triggered by the remeshing criteria in the first remeshing attempt of the hex-dom component. The rules described in Generating a New Mesh via General Remeshing apply, with the following exceptions:

    • A nonlinear adaptivity region is a component scoped on the entire body.

    • To avoid incompatible mesh boundaries, partial remeshing of a remesh region is not performed.

    • Sculpting layer control is not used.

    • Global sizing control is allowed but not recommended.

    This figure shows the mechanistically consistent mesh change that occurs on the first remesh of a hex-dom component using general remeshing:

    Figure 4.4: NLAD-ETCHG Mesh Change from SOLID185 to SOLID187 in the Deformed Body

    NLAD-ETCHG Mesh Change from SOLID185 to SOLID187 in the Deformed Body

    As in standard nonlinear mesh adaptivity, the results on the tetrahedral SOLID187 mesh are due to equilibration of the residual forces generated during solution-mapping in the hex-to-tet conversion, and by an additional external load applied as part of standard nonlinear analysis with the increasing substep.

    When NLAD-ETCHG creates a new tetrahedral mesh from a hex-dom mesh, the following message (or similar) appears in the output file:

    Loads and boundary conditions are mapped from the old mesh to the new mesh automatically, and requisite contact, target, and surface-effect elements are generated automatically in the new mesh.

  2. Continued remeshing of the SOLID187 component:

    The remeshings are triggered via the criteria in the subsequent remeshing attempts of the tetrahedral element component. General remeshing rules apply.