7.1. Step 1. Prepare the Experimental Data

Curve-fitting requires experimental test data. Input your test data in a plain text file with headers to define the test data. The data file should be in table form, delimited by spaces or commas, and referencing your stress vs. strain values or combinations. AML parameter-fitting supports the following types of experimental data:

Table 7.1: Experimental Data Types

Experiment Name Keyword Used with TBFT,EADD
Uniaxial Test unia
Biaxial Test biax
Pure Shear Test shea
Simple Shear Test sshe
Volumetric Test volu
Creep Test cree
Shear Decay in Time Domain or Frequency Domain sdec
Bulk Decay in Time Domain or Frequency Domain bdec
Yield Surface vs. Pressure ysur
I1J2 ( Invariant 1 vs. J2 ) i1j2
Triaxial Test tria

All experimental data support temperature (TEMP) as a field variable. When performing parameter-fitting for data with temperatures, multiple sets of coefficients must be generated (one for each temperature unless the model itself allows for variations in temperature).

Specify the following values at the beginning of the experimental data file to indicate column information or additional experiment information as needed:

Table 7.2: Experiment Attributes

Experiment Attribute Value Description
ninp Integer Number of independent variables
nout Integer Number of dependent variables
integer value (1 to 3) String See Table Below for /index,value
tempDouble Temperature
seqvDouble Equivalent Stress
creqDouble Equivalent Creep Strain
timeDouble Time
weight Double Weight to all experimental data points following this line.
ntol Double Tolerance to quantify a value as zero when calculating normalized least squares. Uses non-normalized least squares for any data point lower than this value to avoid imbalance in calculating total error of the experiment.

Specify information about each column's purpose at the top of the experimental data file via a /index,value line:

Table 7.3: Column Names for /index,value

Column Name Abbreviation
Creep Strain creq
Equiv Stress/Yield Stress seqv
Frequency freq
Initial Pressure ipre
Lateral Strain elat
Lateral Stress slat
Pressure pres
Square Root of J2 sqj2
Stress Invariant 1 i1
Temperature temp
Time time
Total Strain epto
Total Stress s
Shear Modulus smod
Bulk Modulus bmod
Shear Mod Real Component srmd
Shear Mod Imaginary Component simd
Bulk Mod Real Component brmd
Bulk Mod Imaginary Component bimd