6.5. Supported Material State Variables, Models, and Limitations

Supported Material State Variables

AML Python Module supports the following material state variables:

  • 'epto': Total strain

  • 'stre': Stress

  • 'eppl': Plastic strain

  • 'eqpl': Equivalent plastic strain, energy density

  • 'isvr' and 'misc': Reserved for internal usage

  • 'defg': Deformation gradient

  • 'temp': Temperature

Supported Material Models

AML Python Module supports these material models:

  • Hyperelasticity

  • Viscoelasticity

  • Plasticity

    • Isotropic Hardening (TB,PLAS or TB,NLISO based models)

    • Bilinear and Chaboche Kinematic Hardening

    • Rate Dependent Plasticity

    • Kinematic/Isotropic Static Recovery

Supported Material Limitations

Thermal strain is not supported. This feature is available for 3D evaluations only.

Temperature is the only field variable currently supported.

For fully incompressible materials, the stress outputs are deviatoric only.

Checking In and Checking Out Licenses

Licenses are checked out during the ansys.mapdl.material.addtable call. Licenses can be checked in if no longer needed using the ansys.mapdl.material.aml.license functionality. They are automatically released when you exit Python.