7.1. Analysis Considerations

Before setting up your analysis, consider the following:

  • When modeling stranded conductors using SOLID236 or SOLID237 with KEYOPT(1)=0, the applied current density J specified on the BFE command (BFE,,JS) must satisfy the solenoidal condition . For more details about the solenoidal condition, see Analysis Considerations.

  • The harmonic analysis supports only linear material properties: magnetic permeability MP,MURX (also MURY, MURZ) and electrical resistivity MP,RSVX (also RSVY, RSVZ). An electromagnetic harmonic analysis using SOLID236 and SOLID237 also supports electrical permittivity MP,PERX (also PERY, PERZ).

  • Permanent magnets are not permitted in a harmonic analysis unless this is a linear perturbation harmonic analysis.