Chapter 4: Unidirectional Load-Transfer for CFD Applications

Sometimes you can couple a fluid-solid interaction analysis by unidirectional load-transfer. This method requires that you know that the fluid analysis results do not affect the solid loads significantly, or vice-versa. The load-transfer occurs external to the analyses.

The unidirectional load-transfer method is available in the Ansys Mechanical Enterprise family of products (Ansys Mechanical Enterprise, Ansys Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost, and Ansys Mechanical Enterprise Solver). It supports all 3D structural (solid and shell), thermal, electromagnetic, and coupled-field elements. The coordinate system must be global Cartesian. For Mechanical APDL to CFX load-transfer, valid load types are: displacement, temperature, and heat flux for 2D surface loads, and displacement, force density and heat generation for 3D loads.