*XPL, Action, Val1, Val2
Accesses content of a Mechanical APDL file.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Specifies the action for scanning file content (no default). Valid labels are:



Open the specified file.



Close the specified file.



List the records at the current level in the hierarchy of records.



Display the current location in the tree.



Step down in the tree of records.



Go up in the tree of records.



Read a record into an APDL Math object.



Display information from a record.



Move directly to a given place in the tree of records (this avoids multiple calls to the STEP and UP options).



Mark a set of records of the current file; the asterisk (*) character can be used to specify multiple branches/records.



Copy the current file to a new one, ignoring the marked records.



Save the current file, ignoring the marked records.

Val1, Val2

Additional input. The meanings of Val1 and Val2 vary depending on the specified Action, as described in the table below.

Action LabelVal1Val2
OPENName of file[a] to open (no default)(not used)
CLOSEName of file[a] to close (default is last file opened by Action = OPEN)(not used)
LISTNumber of levels in the tree of records (default = 1)(not used)
UPNumber of levels in the tree of records (default = 1), or TOP to go directly to the top of the tree(not used)
STEPName of the record of interest (no default)(not used)
INFOName of the record of interest (no default), or * for all records(not used)
READName of the record of interest (no default)Name of the APDL Math object to create (no default)

The complete PATH to the new location


(not used)
MARKThe complete path to the record(s); use (*) character to select multiple records (see example in next section)(not used)
COPYName of the new file[a]If blank (default), marked records are not copied to the new file. Valid inputs are:
COMP - records are compressed using sparsification
UNCOMP - records are uncompressed

[a] File name is case-sensitive with a 32-character maximum.


The *XPL command enables you to explore the contents of a Mechanical APDL file. Use this command to traverse up and down the tree structure of the specified file and review what is in the file. Files that can be scanned include .rst, .mode, .full, .cms, and .sub files. For more information and examples, see Using APDL to List File Structure and Content in the Ansys Parametric Design Language Guide.

The command *XPL,READ generates either a *VEC or a *DMAT object according to the record type. You do not have to create the APDL Math object before issuing this command.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.