*LSBAC, EngineName, RhsVector, SolVector, TransKey
Performs the solve (forward/backward substitution) of a factorized linear system.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously created using *LSENGINE and factorized using *LSFACTOR.


Name of vector containing the right-hand side (load) vectors as input. Must have been previously defined as a *VEC vector or a *DMAT matrix.


Name of vector that will contain the solution vectors upon completion. Must be predefined as a *VEC vector or *DMAT matrix.


Transpose key. Set TransKey = TRANS to solve the transposed linear system. If blank, transpose will not be used.


This command performs forward and back substitution to obtain the solution to the linear matrix equation Ax = b (or ATx = b if TransKey = TRANS). The matrix engine must have been previously defined using *LSENGINE, and the matrix factored using *LSFACTOR.

You can use the *DMAT,,,COPY (or *VEC,,,COPY) command to copy the load vector to the solution vector in order to predefine it with the appropriate size.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.