/HBC, WN, Key
Determines how boundary condition symbols are displayed in a display window.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Window reference number. This number can be any window numbered 1 to 5, or ALL (for all active windows). Default = 1.


Controls hidden-surface boundary condition display behavior:

ON, YES or 1 = Enable – Your boundary condition symbols are processed by the hidden-surface algorithm (for 2D graphics devices) and use an improved pressure-contour display (for 2D and 3D graphics devices).

OFF, NO or 0 (default) = Disable (default) – Your boundary condition symbols are not processed by the hidden-surface algorithm..

Command Default


For 2D graphics devices (such as X11, win32, and PNG), boundary condition symbols are not processed by the hidden-surface algorithm. All symbols are displayed.

For both 2D and 3D graphics devices, no enhanced rendering of pressure contours occurs.


With /HBC,WN,ON in effect, Mechanical APDL does not display symbols obscured by the model in the current view (that is, symbols inside of or behind the model are not drawn). This behavior lessens display clutter.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Hidden-Line Options