Lists the body-force loads on a volume.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Volume at which body load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected volumes (VSEL). If VOLU = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for VOLU.


Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFV command for labels.


Lists the body-force loads for the specified volume and label. Body loads may be defined on a volume with the BFV command.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On All Volumes
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On Picked Volumes