*ABBR, Abbr, String
Defines an abbreviation.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


The abbreviation (up to 8 alphanumeric characters) used to represent the string String. If Abbr is the same as an existing Mechanical APDL command, the abbreviation overrides. Avoid using an Abbr which is the same as an Mechanical APDL command.


String of characters (60 maximum) represented by Abbr. Cannot include a $ or any of the commands C***, /COM, /GOPR, /NOPR, /QUIT, /UI, or *END. Parameter names and commands of the *DO and Use the *IF groups may not be abbreviated. If String is blank, the abbreviation is deleted. To abbreviate multiple commands, create an "unknown command" macro or define String to execute a macro file (*USE) containing the desired commands.


Once the abbreviation Abbr is defined, you can issue it at the beginning of a command line and follow it with a blank (or with a comma and appended data), and the program will substitute the string String for Abbr as the line is executed. Up to 100 abbreviations may exist at any time and are available throughout the program. Abbreviations may be redefined or deleted at any time.

Use *STATUS to display the current list of abbreviations. For abbreviations repeated with *REPEAT, substitution occurs before the repeat increments are applied. There are a number of abbreviations that are predefined by the program (these can be deleted by using the blank String option described above). Note that String will be written to the File.log.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>Macro>Edit Abbreviations
Utility Menu>MenuCtrls>Edit Toolbar