8.5. Exporting Data

The ability to export data enables you to write out selected time-history variables to an ASCII file or to an APDL array/table parameter, useful for passing data on to another program for further processing or to archive data in an easily retrievable format.

Exporting data from a time-history variable into a file is a two-step process:

  1. Export a time-history variable data to an array parameter (VGET). The size of the array (*DIM) can be determined via *GET,size,vari,,nsets.

  2. When the array is filled, the data can be written out to a file (*VWRITE).

Example 8.9: Exporting Data

STORE,MERGE            ! Store UX at node 55
*dim,UX55,array,size   ! Create array parameter 
VGET,UX55(1),5         ! Store time-history data of variable 5 into ux55  
*VWRITE,UX55(1)        ! Write array in given format to file "disp.dat" 