4.3. Using the Function Loader

When you are ready to apply specific values to the equation variables, specify a table parameter name, and use the function in an analysis, you must load the function into the Function Loader.

Access the Function Loader via the Mechanical APDL GUI in either of the following ways:

  • Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Functions> Read file

  • Utility Menu> Parameters> Functions> Read from file

  1. Navigate to the directory where you saved the function, select the appropriate file, and open it.

  2. In the Function Loader dialog box, enter a table parameter name. This is the name you will use (%tabname%) when you specify this function as a tabular boundary condition.

  3. On the bottom half of the dialog box, you will see a Function tab and a Regime tab for each regime defined for the function. Select the Function tab. You will see a data entry area for each equation variable you specified. You will also see a data entry area for material IDs if you used any variable that requires a material ID. Enter the appropriate values in these data entry areas.

    Note:  Only numeric data is supported for the constant values in the Function Loader dialog box. Character data and expressions are not supported as constant values.

  4. Repeat the process for each regime you defined.

  5. Click Save. You will not be able to save this as a table array parameter until you have provided values for all variables in all regimes in the function.

After you have saved the function as a named table array parameter using the Function Loader, you can apply it as a tabular boundary condition. See Applying Loads Using Tabular Input for detailed information on using tabular boundary conditions in your analysis.

The function is loaded into the table as a coded equation. This coded equation is processed in Mechanical APDL when the table is called for evaluation.