9.2. Selecting for Meaningful Postprocessing

Selecting can help during postprocessing. During POST1 postprocessing, for example, you can select just a portion of your model to display or list the results. You should always use selecting to obtain meaningful results in POST1 when the model has discontinuities.

When you request contour displays (PLNSOL), the program produces smooth, continuous contours by averaging the data at nodes. Averaging is acceptable so long as the model contains no discontinuities, such as:

When such discontinuities are present, process each side of the discontinuity separately via selecting.

Figure 9.1: Shell Model with Different Thicknesses

Shell Model with Different Thicknesses

Figure 9.2: Layered Shell (SHELL281) with Nodes Located at Midplane

Layered Shell (SHELL281) with Nodes Located at Midplane

Figure 9.3: Layered Shell (SHELL281) with Nodes Located at Bottom Surface

Layered Shell (SHELL281) with Nodes Located at Bottom Surface