19.1. File Management Overview

The program uses files extensively for data storage and retrieval, especially when solving an analysis. The files are named filename.ext, where filename defaults to the jobname, and ext is a unique two- to four-character extension identifying the contents of the file.

The jobname is a name that you can specify via the /FILNAME command. If you specify no jobname, it defaults to file.

Example 19.1: File Names

If the jobname is bolt, you may have files at the end of an analysis which could include:

bolt.db Database file
bolt.emat Element matrices
bolt.err Error and warning messages
bolt.log Command input history
bolt.rst Results file

Files generated and then deleted before the end of an analysis session are called temporary files. Files that remain after the session are called permanent files. See Table 19.1: Program-Generated Temporary Files and Table 19.2: Program-Generated Permanent Files.