1.1. What the Piping Commands Can Do for You

Some special features of the piping module are:

  • Creates a line model of a piping network using straight-pipe PIPE16 and curved-pipe PIPE18 elements. (Both elements are described in Part IV: Archived Elements.) Node and element geometry are defined in terms of incremental run lengths and bend radii, rather than in terms of absolute coordinates.

  • Automatically calculates tangency points for bends.

  • Relates standard piping designations (such as nominal diameter and schedule) to geometric values.

  • Assigns pipe specifications to element real constants.

  • Calculates and assigns flexibility and stress intensification factors based on the pressures and the temperatures specified in the pipe module before the creation of the piping elements as appropriate for each element type. The flexibility factors are not be changed automatically if the pipe pressures or temperatures are subsequently revised.

  • Determines drag pressure loads from a pressure-vs.-height relationship.