B.1. Using the *XPL Command

Mechanical APDL files are organized into header records and simple records. The header records are used to store single values and addresses in the file to find other records. The content of Mechanical APDL files is described in Format of Binary Data Files in the Programmer's Reference.

Not all records can be addressed by the *XPL command. You can only access those records listed by the Action = LIST option.

Following is a simple representation of a file’s hierarchy of records.

Figure 1: Example File Hierarchy of Records

Example File Hierarchy of Records

The input listing in Example 1 demonstrates use of the *XPL command. A detailed explanation of each command is given.

Example 1: Using *XPL to Open and Scan a Results File


The action performed by each command in this example is explained next.

You must open a file (Action = OPEN) in order to scan it. For example, you can open an .RST file and list the records (Action = LIST).


 =====      Ansys File Xplorer            ======

 Opening the file.rst Ansys File



 =====      Ansys File Xplorer : List Blocks in File file.rst

 ::RST::HEADER               Size =      0.324 KB        Total  Size =    319.598 KB
 ::RST::DOF                  Size =      0.035 KB
 ::RST::NOD                  Size =      0.078 KB
 ::RST::ELM                  Size =      0.020 KB

 ::RST::DSI::HEADER          Size =     78.137 KB        Total  Size =    120.234 KB
 ::RST::TIM                  Size =     78.137 KB
 ::RST::LSP                  Size =    117.199 KB

::RST::GEO::HEADER           Size =      0.324 KB        Total  Size =      3.570 KB

A record name ending in "::HEADER" indicates a header. The record sizes are listed for each record. The "Total Size" value is the sum of the sizes of all the records addressed (recursively) by the corresponding header.

In this example the STEP option is used to go down one level under the GEO header:


 =====      Ansys File Xplorer : Step into Block GEO



 =====      Ansys File Xplorer : List Blocks in File apdl-196s.rst

 ::GEO::HEADER          Size =      0.324 KB     Total  Size =      3.570 KB
 ::GEO::ETY             Size =      0.809 KB
 ::GEO::LOC             Size =      1.129 KB
 ::GEO::EID             Size =      0.285 KB
 ::GEO::CENT            Size =      0.926 KB
 ::GEO::NOD             Size =      0.078 KB
 ::GEO::ELM             Size =      0.020 KB

The WHERE option displays the current location in the tree of records:


 =====      Ansys File Xplorer : Display Current Location

 Current Location : RST::GEO
    File Location : 280916

The READ option reads a record and fills an APDL Math vector:


 =====      Ansys File Xplorer : Read Block ETY into the Vector MYVEC

The APDL Math command *PRINT prints matrix values:


 Size : 7
       10       213       416       619       822
     1025      1228

Example 2 demonstrates use of the MARK, COPY, and SAVE actions of the *XPL command.

Example 2: Using Action = MARK, COPY, and SAVE

This command marks an entire solution set in an .RST file:


This command marks all the element results of all solution sets in an .RST file:


Following a *XPL,MARK command, use the *XPL,SAVE command to update the existing file:


In this case, the marked records are deleted.

Or you can use the *XPL,COPY command to save a new file:


The marked records are not included in the new file.