3.3. Solution Transition Method Limitations

Following are limitations for using the solution transition method:

  • This method is only available for the static analysis type (ANTYPE,STATIC).

  • The process of transitioning from the transient solution back to the static solution requires automatic time stepping (AUTOTS,ON, which is the default). Automatic time stepping helps to achieve convergence while balancing the residual from the transient analysis in the static analysis. If you turn automatic time stepping off (AUTOTS,OFF), only the static-to-transient transition is supported.

  • If the solution tries to transition from the transient solution back to the static solution and fails to converge, then the solution continues in the transient analysis. However, the results will be slightly different than if the solution continues in the transient solution without attempting to transition back to the static solution. This is because the static-to-transient solution transition starts with zero velocity.

  • During the solution transition phase from transient-to-static analysis, NLADAPTIVE based mesh changes are not supported.

  • The damping energy is zeroed out every time a transition is made from the transient phase back to the static phase. Thus, if the analysis does multiple transient-to-static transitions, you must add up the damping energy of each of the transient phases to get the total damping energy.