12.4. Postprocessing a Transient Acoustic Analysis

Results from an acoustic analysis are written to the results file Jobname.rst. Results include the following:

Primary data: Nodal DOFs (UX, UY, UZ, PRES)

Derived data:

  • Nodal sound pressure level over time increment

  • Nodal velocity or sound intensity

  • Element velocity (PGX, PGY, PGZ, PGSUM) or sound intensity (SNDIX, SNDIY, SNDIZ, SNDISUM)

  • Element average pressure amplitude

  • Square of the L2 norm of pressure over element volume

  • Acoustic potential energy in element (MENE)

  • Acoustic kinetic energy in element (KENE)

In transient analysis, the time-average root mean square quantities are calculated over the time increment . For more information, see Elements for Acoustic Analysis in the Element Reference.

Use the POST1 general postprocessor (/POST1) to view results over the entire model at specific time steps. To view results over a time period, use the POST26 time history postprocessor (/POST26).

For a complete description of all postprocessing functions, see An Overview of Postprocessing the Basic Analysis Guide.