Results from an acoustic analysis are written to the results file Jobname.rst. Results include the following:
Primary data: Nodal DOFs (UX, UY, UZ, PRES)
Derived data:
Nodal sound pressure level over time increment
Nodal velocity or sound intensity
Element velocity (PGX, PGY, PGZ, PGSUM) or sound intensity (SNDIX, SNDIY, SNDIZ, SNDISUM)
Element average pressure amplitude
Square of the L2 norm of pressure over element volume
Acoustic potential energy in element (MENE)
Acoustic kinetic energy in element (KENE)
In transient analysis, the time-average root mean square quantities are calculated
over the time increment . For more information, see Elements for Acoustic Analysis in the
Element Reference.
Use the POST1 general postprocessor (/POST1) to view results over the entire model at specific time steps. To view results over a time period, use the POST26 time history postprocessor (/POST26).
For a complete description of all postprocessing functions, see An Overview of Postprocessing the Basic Analysis Guide.