11.5. Using Cyclic Symmetry with Fluid-Structure Interaction

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) can be simulated for systems that are cyclically symmetric (see the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide). The main actions required to run a cyclic FSI problem are:

  1. Create a model appropriately defined as cyclically symmetric using the CYCLIC command.

  2. Ensure that the model contains supported acoustic and structural elements.

    Acoustic elements: FLUID30, FLUID220, FLUID221, FLUID243, FLUID244
    Structural elements: PLANE182, PLANE183, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190

    You can explicitly define the FSI boundary by issuing the SF,,FSI (or SFA,,FSI) command for the coupled acoustic elements. If SF,,FSI is not specified, the FSI boundary is automatically detected.

  3. Choose one of the supported solutions:

    • Static analysis. If the static analysis will be used for a downstream linear perturbation analysis, include the MORPH command to activate morphing and the CYCOPT,MSUP,0 command to include duplicate sector results.

    • Undamped modal solution using the unsymmetric eigensolver (MODOPT,UNSYM). The CYCOPT,MSUP,0 command is required in a cyclic FSI modal solution to include duplicate sector results.

    • Harmonic response analysis (HROPT,FULL).

  4. Postprocess the cyclic solution (/CYCEXPAND,,ON).

11.5.1. Acoustic Boundary Conditions and Loads

The acoustic boundary conditions and loads listed below are supported in a cyclic symmetry FSI analysis. Acoustic boundary conditions that introduce damping are not supported for cyclic FSI modal analyses.

Acoustic boundary conditions:

  • Free surface flag (for sloshing effect): SF,,FREE; SFE,,FREE; SFA,,FREE

  • Gravitational acceleration (for sloshing effect): ACEL

  • Pressure boundary: D,,PRES

  • Impedance boundary: SF,,IMPD; SFE,,IMPD (not supported in a modal analysis)

  • Exterior Robin radiation boundary condition: SF,,INF (not supported in a modal analysis)

  • Absorption coefficient: SF,,ATTN (not supported in a modal analysis)

  • Viscous-thermal boundary layer: SF,,BLI

Acoustic loads:

  • Mass source: BF,,MASS

  • Temperature: BF,,TEMP

  • Static pressure: BF,,SPRE

  • Velocity: BF,,VELO

  • Impedance sheet: BF,,IMPD (not supported in a modal analysis)

  • Maxwell force: SF,,MXWF

  • Surface normal velocity: SF,,SHLD

11.5.2. Cyclic Fluid-Structure Interaction Example

Example 11.9: Cyclic FSI; Linear Perturbation Modal Solution

et,1,186,,         ! Structural element
et,2,220,,         ! Acoustic element
keyopt,2,2,1       ! Uncoupled acoustic element

et,3,220           ! Acoustic element
keyopt,3,2,0       ! Coupled acoustic element (FSI)
esel,s,type,,1     ! Select structural elements
nsle,s             ! Nodes on interface in structural element
esel,s,type,,2     ! Select acoustic elements
esln,r,0           ! Select nodes on FSI interface
sf,all,fsi         ! Flag FSI coupling interface
d,all,all,0        ! Apply structural BCs to selected nodes
sf,all,pres,p0     ! Apply acoustic BCs to selected elements
cyclic             ! Define cyclic symmetry

antype,static       ! Static solution
morph,on,,,,,,,,,on ! Morphing with structural elements
nlgeom,on           ! Large deformation on
cycopt,msup,0       ! Keep duplicate sector
solve               ! Solve structural problem

antype,static,restart,,,perturb   ! Restart for linear perturbation 
perturb,modal,,,allkeep           ! Modal solution for linear perturbation
solve,elform                      ! Form new element matrices
modopt,unsym,10                   ! Choose unsymmetric modal eigensolver
solve                             ! Solve acoustic problem

file,,rstp        ! Postprocess from perturbed results
set,1,1           ! Get the first step and substep
/cycexpand,,on    ! Expand the cyclic solution
plnsol,u,x        !Plot structural results
plnsol,pres       !Plot fluid results