2.3.5. Simulating Without Supports

To simulate without supports, simply clear the Simulate With Supports check box on the simulation form. However there are some subtle assumptions to be aware of, depending on the outputs that you select. The scenarios are described in the following table.

Simulate with Supports (check box) Minimum Support Height (support option) Displacement After Cutoff (output selection) What Happens? Part

N/A (0)

No supports generated

Bottom nodes are rigid (no displacements)

N/A (0)

One layer of support voxels added to simulate part after cutoff

No other supports added anywhere

Support Yield Strength Ratio set to 0.4375


Supports generated below Minimum Overhang Angle

Bottom nodes are rigid (no displacements)


Supports generated below Minimum Overhang Angle

One layer of support voxels added to simulate part after cutoff

Support Yield Strength Ratio set by user

Non-zero, for example, 3 mm

Supports generated below Minimum Overhang Angle

3mm of voxel layers created

Support Yield Strength Ratio set by user