5.2. Generating Supports

To generate supports (after support regions have been created):

  1. Select the Create Support option in the ribbon. The Create Support panel appears in the right side of the UI, as shown in the following figure.

  2. Select one or more SupportRegion objects in the Structure tree for which you want supports to be generated. You may generate supports for several regions at one time provided they are the same kind of support region, either surface support regions or line support regions.

  3. Select the support type from the Create Support panel. Notice that your selections are filtered. You can select only support types appropriate for surface regions if you have surface regions selected, and only line supports if you have line support regions selected.

  4. Adjust support parameters as desired. Parameters are further filtered into commonly-used or expert options. The expert options are more obscure parameters for experienced users. Click the Detailed View toggle button on   or off   to show or hide the expert parameters. This Detailed View toggle button is a "sticky" setting, that is, the application will open the next time with the toggle set the way it was set when the application closed.

  5. Click the green check box   to generate the supports. This operation is very fast. If your part is particularly large and complex, however, it may take a few minutes for the supports to be generated. You will see new support objects added under the Supports component in the Structure tree.

    One support of each type is allowed per appropriate support region. For example, a surface support region may have one block, one adaptive cell, one rod, one tree, and one contour support associated with it.

  6. To make changes to supports, simply adjust the parameters in the panel and click the green check box again   and new supports are generated for the selected regions. Any existing supports of the same type for those regions will be overwritten. For example, changes to block support parameters overwrite block supports for those regions, adaptive cell parameter changes overwrite adaptive cell supports, and so on.