Text Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Line Operation Shortcuts

Key CombinationAction
Ctrl + DRemove line
Alt + Shift + ↓Copy lines down
Alt + Shift + ↑Copy lines up
Alt + ↓Move lines down
Alt + ↑Move lines up
Alt + BackspaceRemove to line end
Alt + DeleteRemove to line start
Ctrl + DeleteRemove word left
Ctrl + BackspaceRemove word right

Selection Shortcuts

Key CombinationAction
Ctrl + A 
Shift + ←Select all
Shift + →Select left
Ctrl + Shift + ←Select right
Ctrl + Shift + →Select word left
Shift + HomeSelect word right
Shift + EndSelect line start
Alt + Shift + →Select line end
Alt + Shift + ←Select to line end
Shift + ↑Select to line start
Shift + ↓Select up
Shift + Page UpSelect down
Shift + Page DownSelect page up
Ctrl + Shift + HomeSelect page down
Ctrl + Shift + EndSelect to start
Ctrl + Shift + DSelect to end
Ctrl + Shift + PDuplicate selection

Multi-Cursor Shortcuts

Key CombinationAction
Ctrl + Alt + ↑Add multi-cursor above
Ctrl + Alt + ↓Add multi-cursor below
Ctrl + Alt + →Add next occurrence to multi-selection
Ctrl + Alt + ←Add previous occurrence to multi-selection
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ↑Move multi-cursor from current line to the line above
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ↓Move multi-cursor from current line to the line below
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + →Remove current occurrence from multi-selection and move to next
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ←Remove current occurrence from multi-selection and move to previous
Ctrl + Shift + LSelect all from multi-selection

Go-To Shortcuts

Key CombinationAction
Page UpGo to page up
Page DownGo to page down
Ctrl + HomeGo to start
Ctrl + EndGo to end
Ctrl + LGo to line
Ctrl + PGo to matching bracket

Folding Shortcuts

Key CombinationAction
Alt + L, Ctrl + F1Fold selection
Alt + Shift + L, Ctrl + Shift + F1Unfold

Other Shortcuts

Key CombinationAction
Shift + TabOutdent
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shift + Y, Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + TTranspose letters
Ctrl + Shift + UChange to lower case
Ctrl + UChange to upper case

