Solve Process Settings

The Solve Process Settings API is defined using two collections, a read-only collection of RSMQueue and a mutable collection of SolveConfiguration. The RSMQueue collection lets you inspect the information on the right side of the Solve Process Settings dialog box for each possible selection in the RSM Queue property. Each item in the field on the left side is a SolveConfiguration. Using the collection API, you can edit the collection or individual entities in the collection.


This script accesses and changes some details from the second solve configuration:

config2 = ExtAPI.Application.SolveConfigurations["My Computer, Background"]
x = config2.Default
y = config2.Settings.License
z = config2.SolveProcessSettings.ManualSolverMemorySettings.Workspace
config2.SolveProcessSettings.ManualLinuxSettings.UserName = "jane.doe"
config2.SolveProcessSettings.MaxNumberOfCores = 12

This script accesses some details from the first RSM queue:

queue1 = ExtAPI.Application.RSMQueues[0]
x = queue1.Name
y = queue1.HPCConfiguration

This script modifies the collection of solve configurations and solve:

collection = ExtAPI.Application.SolveConfigurations
new_config = Ansys.ACT.Mechanical.Application.SolveProcessSettings.SolveConfiguration()
new_config.Name = "My cluster"
new_config.Settings.License = "Mechanical Enterprise"