Process Compression Roadmap

Process compression customization is the encapsulation and automation of existing processes available in an Ansys product into a simulation wizard. The following roadmap shows the products for which ACT process compression capabilities are available.


Topics common to wizard creation follow. References in this table take you to topics in this guide.

Topic Reference

General wizard information

Wizard Interface and Usage

Types of wizard (project, target product, and mixed)

Wizard Types

Creating wizards

Wizard Creation

Creating a mixed wizard

Mixed Wizard Example

Custom help files for wizards

Custom Wizard Help Files

Custom interfaces for Workbench-based wizards

Custom Wizard Interfaces

Custom interface example

Custom Wizard Interface Example

Note:  You use the Extension Manager to install and load extensions. You then use the Wizards launcher to start a wizard.

For journaling and scripting information, including product-specific data container details, see the Workbench Scripting Guide and refer to the sections for the specific Ansys products being customized.

For comprehensive API and XML information, see the Ansys ACT API and XML Online Reference Guide.

In the API information, see this wizard namespace: Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Wizard

In the XML information, see these key XML elements:







