This section introduces ACT. Subsequent sections organize content as follows:
ACT Overview: Presents a high-level overview of ACT that introduces you to extension development, customization capabilities, documentation and development resources, and "roadmaps" for specific types of customizations.
ACT Tools: Describes the many tools that ACT provides for developing, debugging, and executing extensions.
Extensions: Describes the basic components of an ACT scripted extension and provides information about extension configuration, supplied examples, installed IronPython function libraries, advanced programming, and extension creation.
Feature Creation: Provides examples of customization capabilities common to the Ansys products that support using ACT to leverage existing product functionality and add custom functionality and operations.
Simulation Wizards: Describes wizards and how you can create them to walk non-expert users step-by-step through simulations.
Debugging: Describes debug mode and the methods for debugging scripts during extension development.
ACT Customization Guides for Supported Ansys Products: Provides links to additional guides that explain how to use ACT to customize specific Ansys products.