Loading and Unloading Extensions

In the Extension Manager, you load and unload an installed extension by right-clicking the extension and selecting the appropriate option. When an extension is marked as loaded, it is loaded with the corresponding targeted product specified by the attribute context for the extension.

  • In the graphic-based Extension Manager accessed from the ACT Start Page, you can also load or unload an extension by simply clicking the block for the extension.

  • In the table-based Extension Manager accessed from the Extensions menu, you can also load or unload an extension by selecting or clearing the check box to the left of the extension name.

  • Loading is automatic for extensions that have already been loaded and saved to the project. Any extension to be automatically loaded must be available to the Extension Manager. If the Extension Manager cannot load a required extension when a project is opened, a warning message appears, indicating that you might encounter limited behavior if you proceed. Clicking Show Details in this message lists the extensions that are missing from the project. Clicking OK proceeds with opening the project.

  • If you use either version of the Extension Manager in Workbench to load an extension with the attribute context set to Mechanical, then Mechanical knows that this extension is loaded. However, if you unload the extension using either version of the Extension Manager in Workbench, then Mechanical does not know that the extension has been unloaded.